3 Reasons Why Security Visibility is Critical for Smart Buildings | 3Sixty Integrated

3 Reasons Why Security Visibility is Critical for Smart Buildings

The era of smart buildings is here. The global smart building market is projected to grow from USD 80.62 billion in 2022 to USD 328.62 billion by 2029. Smart buildings enable occupant safety and security with the help of physical and cyber security systems. However, while there is a lot of excitement about the future of smart buildings, security professionals also point to risks that we should be aware of as we move into the digital era. 

Buildings with autonomous functionality to control lighting, climate, access control, fire detection, and video surveillance are labeled smart because of their high energy efficiencies and integrated systems. Yet, while these features rightfully get a lot of praise and attention, people tend to overlook all the subsequent security concerns. 

Building security remains a complex endeavor with the increased dependency on cloud solutions and the advent of remote work. In addition, the growing complexity of networks, cyber threats, and supply chain challenges require organizations to have total visibility of their security systems. 

1. Visibility of Security System Designs

Security systems are indispensable to any building, especially smart buildings. Commercial building systems and devices are more connected than ever, and many of them lack the adequate physical and, in some cases, cybersecurity features to address emerging threats. As safety and security become more important, organizations need complete visibility to support their business operations and ensure building security. 

Fortunately, organizations can use platforms that provide a high level of functionality and visibility to optimize energy efficiency and prioritize safety. Among many other key features, these platforms should be able to perform rapid system-wide audits to identify and fix security gaps. 

2. Visibility of Deployments

In a digital environment, the visibility of deployments is critical. The growing reliance on cloud-based solutions and the Internet of Things (IoT) only accelerates the security convergence between physical and cybersecurity. This means that everything from your building’s surveillance system to its stored sensitive information is vulnerable to attack. 

Traditional deployment methods, which rely on manual updates and data silos, are too slow and reactive. Security teams must be agile, efficient, and proactive in today’s digital world. The solution is to standardize deployment and maintenance to fulfill site security needs by building scalable, easy-to-maintain security solutions.

3. Visibility of Operations

Asset visibility is a crucial prerequisite for security systems to achieve optimum efficacy. Security teams must be able to account for and identify all the assets that they are defending. This means complete visibility across the organization’s physical and digital assets. 

Organizations may improve visibility into their environment and focus on the most significant possible risks by combining security information from diverse sources and automating incident response. 


Smart buildings are here to stay, and the market will only continue to expand as safety and energy efficiency become more important. Yet, while the business world praises the benefits that technology brings to building operations, many lack the knowledge and tools required to integrate these technologies accurately, safely, and reliably.

Organizations can enhance efficiencies while addressing ongoing health, safety, and security concerns by gaining complete visibility of their security systems. 

At 3sixtyintegrated, we rely upon a set of guiding principles to determine how to create the optimal security systems for your building, and visibility is a core component of our framework.

At 3Sixty Integrated, we are here to advance enterprise organizations across multiple verticals to develop and implement sustainable security solutions. With over 20 years of experience, our team designs, installs, and maintains custom security solutions to keep your organization and assets safe and secure. Ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule a 30-meeting consultation or call us at (877) 374-9894.